Thursday, November 24, 2011

Something we all do,

To say you've never done this action is a lie because truth is, everyone has done it at least once in their life. It is definitely not something uncommon whatsoever. Some people do it everyday even, it's a part of their routine. People might not realize it sometime or they might think its harmless. However is it something good or is it something bad to do? If you still haven't caught on, I'm talking about music and/or movie piracy. Piracy is the action when you illegally download or record basically anything these days. It's not only downloading from your computer as it is most commonly used today. Even before most families even had a computer, recording shows off t.v using a vcr is considered to being piracy. I know I have been doing it since I was younger. I would wait around all day waiting for a show to come on. I would then ask my mom to hit record so I could over watch the show until I got tired of it.

A great majority of people would actually concider it stealing because you havent paid for the movie or mp3. People above anyone who would consider this stealing is filming companies and also music artists/bands. They put a lot of hard work into everything they do, but it just isn't right for people to go and steal it. The big guys depend on the sales to make profits for themselves. To illegally download and distribute pirated mp3s and movies is so much cheaper and less hastle then going to a store to buy a CD or DVD. These days everything is more costly.

However from personal experiences, I was granted permission. During the summer, I attended an Illscarlett concert (they were amazing, for your information). They're a band signed by a recod label and once and a while their music videos would play on Muchmusic. Their career was heading a little down hill, so personally and to my friends, the lead singer Alex said we could download their latest album IF burned a copy for five of our friends to them on and get them played. Is it wrong even then?


  1. I download music and movie's all the time... the last time i baught a cd was at leased 3 years ago, since then it's all been off of utorrent. And by the way downloading the music isin't illigal (You download music off Itunes, you still pay for it and it's legal) the illigal part is when you upload it or seed it for others to have it freely.
    Yet i didn't know recording stuff off tv with the vcr was piracy... i had no idea.

  2. I'm not gonna lie, I download stuff all the time. Mostly music. One the one hand, I do know it is stealing but I just look at all these artists and they're still doing fine. To be honest, they don't need all that extra money from the album sales. They already get paid from concerts, promos, clothing lines, etc. All of those, I would gladly pay for. But to expect us to pay at least 0,99$ for every song? That's ridiculous... people can't afford that. Less people would get the chance to enjoy their music if we all had to pay for it and I think the whole point of making music is for it to reach people.

  3. Omg lol I download music all the time, it's so bad. I'm not even sure if it is worth it though because sometimes the quality isn't as good as if you were to buy it off of iTunes.

  4. I am certainly not innocent for this act, I do download a lot of music, I am very big on that. But I hate that this is so illegal so many people download movies, videos and music each day and with the technology we have today they should be able to block the ability to download files with out paying for it.
