Friday, January 27, 2012

A little S.O.P.A update

It is pretty obvious why S.O.P.A was dropped soon after it was brought up. So many were against the bill, thousands or millions of people protested! It really brought everyone together. Surprisingly even got teenagers interested in politics for one day, as their lives seem to revolve around the internet net, and that was really what was threatened. To take away such social sites as Tumblr, Facebook, etc would cut off all their social lives. This also enables downloading movies and music. Music is a sens of expression for teenagers, specifically during the stage where kids try to define themselves. Most kids don't go out and get jobs, so to pay 99 cents for a song from iTunes is out of the question. They search for other ways to get music, which is piracy.
Barack Obama has said that he doesn't support any bill that takes away freedom of speech or of expression. I agree one hundred percent on this because that's really what was going to happen. In the chart of human rights, we are allowed freedom of expression, and to remove that from everyone is to go against humanity (

The hopes to pass S.O.P.A have been trying to go through since before Christmas. A vote was supposed to happen January 25th, but even before that happened, they suppressed the idea. Its due to be brought up again next month. AGAIN, because it does not look like it will be happen. It will be the same story. To just put the idea of S.O.P.A to rest, is the best idea they could have. Taking away our freedom of speech could easily lead to revolting.


  1. "The art of politics is to delay something until it is forgotten or no longer relevant." (Red Tail, Lucas) First of all that graph is HALARIOUS and so true, second SOPA is one of the U.S. government's worst idea ever. They support freedom of thought on the outside and then start a bill of the likes of this? Politics ...

  2. The graph is actually pretty funny and true. I believe they shouldn't reinforce SOPA because it'd be taking away any freedom of speach. Basically going 1984 on us. Good work Chelsea !

  3. Not gonna lie that statistic graph you got is so true, I didn't watch the news until I felt it affected me and the internet shouldn't be threatened to begin with! The entire point is so that we can share information around the world, not pick and choose what will be shown. Otherwise what is the point of using the internet?
