Friday, January 27, 2012

Movie Stores closing

Renting a movie is way cheaper than buying a movie. Its also more practical because normally after you buy a new released movie, its watched maybe a few times and lent to someone else to watch it. Really, other than that, a movie sits on the shelf collecting dust. It's ridiculous to pay 40$ for a movie you'll only watch maybe a maximum of five times.. maybe. Before, buying a movie was less expensive but with times and the economy growing, prices go up.

As a child, going to the movie store, like Blockbuster or Rogers to rent a movie on a Saturday night was always a treat. To agree on a movie with my brother wasn't the easiest thing, but sometimes we could both get our own movies that we had to take turns using the DVD player. Renting games and television series was ideal too. I rented movies at Rogers until it closed, then switched to renting movies at Blockbuster until they closed too.

Renting a movie has never been called illegal or considered piracy. I'm sure money reaches the movie companies too. For the movie stores though, have actually closed down because they just don't make enough money anymore. This must mean, that movie producers and actors haven't been getting as much money either. People are always burning movies and distributing them or just watching movies online, with websites such as Netflix. Where does that put people who actually did rent movies? This is like forcing them to conform to illegal copy right because they have no other ways to get a hold of movies any other way it seems, unless they pay a ridiculous amount of money to buy it.

Rumours have had it, that Blockbuster was actually bought out by another company and will soon be re-opening. I've heard this time and time again just as Blockbuster was closing by their workers. If they re-open, I can imagine that they'd make a lot of money because a lot of people don't have access to a computer to download movies or watch computers online. I'll believe it when I see it though, because personally I think the movie renting stores were just driven to the ground.

1 comment:

  1. Honestly I feel kind of guilty for... obvious reasons. But not so much and companies do close down all the time, get bought by new owners, re-opens and the cycle continues. I used to never go to any of those places in the first place because we had the net.
